Wednesday 13 November 2019

8B: we took up the following work today in class.

Page 136-137, 1-4.

Cypress Hill Massacre- American wolf hunters falsely accused natives of stealing horses and attacked a group of Assiniboine Native; 36 men,  women and children were killed
Fort Whoop Up- it was nickname for a centre where outlaw activity existed in Lethbridge, Alberta 
North West Mounted Police - Parliament or Ottawa organized a force to keep peace, prevent crime and catch criminals
bias- a preference
Great March- a march that made up of 300 mounted police which went in the direction of either Edmonton or Lethbridge from Winnipeg or Fort Garry
2. a) The two main tasks of the N.W.M.P. involved the desire to maintain peace and to prevent crime. 
b) They were necessary because wanted to enforce law and also Ottawa or the federal government did not want American intrusion into their territories.  The goal of the government was to take away land for the railway and farmers from the Native. Natives were placed on reserves. 
3. It was a march of the N.W.M.P, from present day Winnipeg to Edmonton and Lethbridge to secure territory, shut down whiskey forts, and build forts.
4. Crowfoot refused to join Sitting Bull of the Sioux nation, although the Sioux had defeated the Americans at the Battle of Little Big Horn.  In Canada, Colonel Macleod had driven away the whiskey traders and the wolfers who had terrorized the First Nations, so Crowfoot did not side with Sitting Bull.   

Homework: Chapter 10 page 150 1-4

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