Wednesday 26 February 2020

15 Factors that affect Settlements

1.   climatic factors (W.O.W.L.A.M.A. or wind patterns, ocean currents, water bodies or bodies of water,  latitude, altitude, mountain barriers or windward or leeward sides, and air masses) 
2.   physical processes or seismic activities i.e earthquakes and tsunamis
3.   climate change
4.   drought
5.   volcanic activity
6.   desertification
7.   sporadic rainfalls
8.   landslides 
9.   warming temperatures
10. changing precipitation patterns
11. extreme storms
12. rising sea levels
13.  coastal erosion 
14. coastal flooding 
15. pandemic or spread of diseases 

*zombie apocalypse  (This is only featured in science fiction or horror movies.) 

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