Tuesday 10 December 2019

8A & 8C: Students are asked to complete Chapter 14 page 218 1-4.

Here is an outline for the test next week.

Test Outline

Part A: Vocabulary                           Fifteen important items will be chosen.     
                                            15 marks
1. nomadic-
2. Metis-
3. the Red River Cart-
4. pemmican-
5. the National Committee of the Metis-
6. the Provisional Government of the Metis-
7. the Metis Bill of Rights-
8. the Manitoba Act-
9. scrip-
10. primary source-
11. secondary source-
12. Cypress Hills Massacre-
13. Fort Whoop-Up-
14. North-West Mounted Police-
15. bias-
16. Great March-
17. treaty-
18. annuity-
19. reserve-
20. agents-
21. debate-
22. the Indian Act-
23. aboriginal right-
24. the Canadian Pacific Railway Company-
25. bribe-
26. the Pacific Scandal-
27. the National Policy-
28. spikers-
29. trestle-
30. navvies-
31. colonist car-
32. township-
33. section-
34. quarter section-
35. Dominion Land Act-
36. sod house-
37. sodding bee-
38. colonization company-
39. petition-
40. militia-
41. Battle of Duck Lake-
42. Battle of Fish Creek-
43. Battle of Batoche-
44. Battle of Cut Knife Hill-
45. Gatling gun-
46.  high treason-
47. plea of insanity
48. problem-solving
49. pamphlet-
50. magic lantern show-
51. exhibition van-
52. statistics-
53. selective immigration-
54. discrimination-
55. entrepreneur-
56. Red Fife wheat-
57. Marquis wheat-
58. steam engine-
59. chilled steel plough-
60. grain elevator-
Important concepts from each chapters 8 to 14 will be chosen.
Part B: Circle ‘T’ for true or ‘F’ for false.                                                                  25 marks

Part C: Previously assigned homework questions.                                            10 marks
Choose one of the below questions to answer.
1. Why were the surveyor slaying out land in squares and how did the Metis react?
2. Who opposed Riel’s Provisional government in the Red River settlement? Why? What was the major incident that caused so much bitterness Ontario and Riel?
3. What were the main tasks that the North-West Mounted Police had been sent out West to do and why were these tasks necessary in the 1870’s?
4. What was the Great March West and what did it entail?
5. Why did Crowfoot not join Sitting bull in war?
6. Why were the buffalo disappearing rapidly from the plains in the 1870’s?
7. Explain in your own words the differences between how the Aboriginal peoples and settlers viewed the land.
8. In what ways did the signing of the treaties mean the end of a way of life for Aboriginal peoples of the plains in terms of lifestyle, livelihood, health and traditions?
9. How were the railroad policies of John A. Macdonald and Alexander Mackenzie different? Explain.
10. Why did Macdonald introduce the National Policy?  What were the three elements of the National Policy and how did each part ideally lead to the growth and prosperity for Canada?
11. Why were Crowfoot and the Blackfoot (Siksika) upset over the railway?
12. What problems existed in building the railway across northern Ontario and British Columbia?  What were the solutions and what were the costs?
13. Describe how the land in the West was made ready for settlers.
14. Why did people leave their homelands for Canada in the 1880’s? Why do people move to Canada from other countries today?
15. Outline the terms of the Dominion Land Act in 1872.
16. Why would Riel be considered a hero in Quebec?  How did Riel create problems for Sir John A. Macdonald? How did the people of Ontario react to Riel and Quebec’s opinion of Riel?
17.  What qualities did people need to be successful homesteaders on the prairies and where were their origins?
18. Explain why Sifton’s immigration advertising campaign was largely successful.
19. What new inventions helped to make farming in the West more efficient?

Part D: Analyze a provided  political cartoon and explain what is explicitly or implicitly drawn and written.                                                                                                                                              10 marks

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